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Wissenschaftliche Studien zur Wirkung von Yoga Therapie


Für KomplementärtherapeutInnen ist es wichtig, verlässliche Informationsquellen zu haben, um sich fachlich kontinuierlich weiterzubilden, zu vertiefen und auf dem neuesten wissenschaftlichen Stand zu bleiben. Hier stellen wir eine Liste ausgewählter pubmed-registrierte Fachartikel aus der aktuellen klinischen Forschung zur Verfügung gestellt, die laufend ergänzt wird. Zudem weisen wir auch auf relevante medizinische Leitlinien oder Webseiten hin.


Eine Webseite der International


Wieland L.S., Cramer H., Lauche R., Verstappen A., Parker E.A., Pilkington K.  (2021): Evidence on yoga for health: A bibliometric analysis of systematic reviews, Complementary Therapies in Medicine 60(6): 102746, DOI:10.1016/j.ctim.2021.102746


National Center of Compl and integr Health (2020): Yoga for Health: What the Science Says, Clinical Guidelines, Scientific Literature, Info for Children and Adolescents Yoga for Health,


Allgemeines zu Yoga Therapie und Gesundheit

Behandlung von onkologischen PatientInnen

S3-Leitlinie Komplementärmedizin in der Behandlung von

onkologischen PatientInnen, Version 2.0 – Mai 2024, AWMF-Registernummer: 032-055OL:är/Version_2/LL_Komplementärmedizin_Kurzversion_2.0.pdf


"The Truth About Alternative Medical Treatments". American Cancer Society. 30 January 2019. Retrieved 4 September 2019.


"Say Yes to Yoga". American Cancer Society. 23 August 2018. Retrieved 4 September 2019.


Cramer H, Lauche R, Klose P, Lange S, Langhorst J, Dobos GJ. (2017): Yoga for improving health-related quality of life, mental health and cancer-related symptoms in women diagnosed with breast cancer. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 1(1): CD010802.


Chandwani, Kavita D.; Perkins, George; Nagendra (2014). "Randomized, Controlled Trial of Yoga in Women With Breast Cancer Undergoing Radiotherapy". Journal of Clinical Oncology. 32 (10): 1058–1065. doi:10.1200/JCO.2012.48.2752. ISSN 0732-183X. PMC 3965260. PMID 24590636.




Pearson N, Prosko S, Sullivan M, Taylor MJ.: White paper: Yoga therapy and pain- how yoga therapy serves in comprehensive integrative pain management, and how it can do more. Int J Yoga Therap. 2020; 30(1): 117–133.


Anheyer D, Haller H, Lauche R, Dobos G, Cramer H (2021): Yoga for treating low back pain: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Pain. 163(4): e504-e517.

Akute, subakute und chronische Rückenschmerzen

Chronische Rückenschmerzen

Wieland LS, Skoetz N, Pilkington K, Vempati R, D’Adamo CR, Berman BM.: Yoga treatment for chronic non-specific low back pain. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2017; 1(1): CD010671.


Cramer, Holger; Lauche, Romy; Haller, Heidemarie; Dobos, Gustav (2013). "A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Yoga for Low Back Pain". The Clinical Journal of Pain. 29 (5): 450–460. doi:10.1097/AJP.0b013e31825e1492. PMID 23246998.

Rheumatische Erkrankungen

Cramer, H.; Lauche, R.; Langhorst, J.; Dobos, G. (2013). Yoga for rheumatic diseases: a systematic review. Rheumatology (Oxford). 52 (11): 2025–30. doi:10.1093/rheumatology/ket264. PMID 23934220.


Kolasinski SL, Neogi T, Hochberg MC, et al. (2020): American College of Rheumatology/Arthritis Foundation guideline for the management of osteoarthritis of the hand, hip, and knee. Arthritis and Rheumatology. 72(2): 220-233.


Lauche R, Hunter DJ, Adams J, Cramer H: Yoga for Osteoarthritis (2019): A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Curr Rheumatol Rep. 21(9): 47.

Kopfschmerzen / Migräne

Long C, Ye J, Chen M, Gao D, Huang Q. (2022): Effectiveness of yoga therapy for migraine treatment: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled studies. Am J Emerg Med. 2022 Aug; 58: 95-99.

Kopfschmerzen / Migräne

Anheyer D, Klose P, Lauche R, et al. (2020): Yoga for treating headaches: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of General Internal Medicine. 35(3): 846-854.


Li Y, Li S, Jiang J, et al. (2019): Effects of yoga on patients with chronic nonspecific neck pain: a PRISMA systematic review and meta-analysis. Medicine (Baltimore). 98(8): e14649.


Saud A, Abbasi M, Merris H, Parth P, Jones XM, Aggarwal R, Gupta L. (2022): Harnessing the benefits of yoga for myositis, muscle dystrophies, and other musculoskeletal disorders. Clin Rheumatol. 19: 1-13.


Steen JP, Kannan V, Zaidi A, Cramer H, Ng JY. (2024) Mind-body therapy for treating fibromyalgia: a systematic review. Pain Med. 2024 Aug 2; 25(12): 703-37.


Bravo C, Skjaerven LH, Guitard Sein-Echaluce L, Catalan-Matamoros D (2019): Effectiveness of movement and body awareness therapies in patients with fibromyalgia: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med. 55(5): 646-657.

Muskuloskelettale Erkrankungen

Muskuloskelettale Erkrankungen


Domingues RB (2018): Modern postural yoga as a mental health promoting tool: a systematic review. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice. 31:248-255.


Wang F, Szabo A (2020): Effects of yoga on stress among healthy adults: a systematic review. Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine. 26(4): AT6214.


Riley, Kristen E.; Park, Crystal L. (2015). "How does yoga reduce stress? A systematic review of mechanisms of change and guide to future inquiry". Health Psychology Review. 9 (3): 379–396. doi:10.1080/17437199.2014.981778. PMID 25559560.

Depression / Angst

Maity S, Abbaspour R, Bandelow S, Pahwa S, Alahdadi T, Shah S, Chhetri P, Jha AK, Nauhria S, Nath R, Nayak N, Nauhria S. (2024): The psychosomatic impact of Yoga in medical education: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

Med Educ Online. 31;29(1): 2364486.

Depression / Angst /Schlaflosigkeit

Perinatale Depression

Wang G, Liang C, Sun G. Psychiatr Danub (2022): Yoga's Therapeutic Effect on Perinatal Depression: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. 4(2):195-204.

Depression / Angst

Vancampfort D, Stubbs B, Van Damme T, Smith L, Hallgren M, Schuch F, Deenik J, Rosenbaum S, Ashdown-Franks G, Mugisha J, Firth J. (2021): The efficacy of meditation-based mind-body interventions for mental disorders: A meta-review of 17 meta-analyses of randomized controlled trials. J Psychiatr Res. 134: 181-191.


Brinsley J, Schuch F, Lederman O, et al. (2021): Effects of yoga on depressive symptoms in people with mental disorders: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

Br J Sports. 55: 992–1000.

Depression /Angst

Depression / Angst


Cramer, Holger; Anheyer, Dennis; Lauche, Romy; Dobos, Gustav (2017). "A systematic review of yoga for major depressive disorder". Journal of Affective Disorders. 213: 70–77. doi:10.1016/j.jad.2017.02.006. hdl:10453/79255. PMID 28192737.

Depression / Angst


Cramer, Holger; Lauche, Romy; Langhorst, Jost; Dobos, Gustav (2013). "Yoga for Depression: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis". Depression and Anxiety. 30 (11): 1068–1083. doi:10.1002/da.22166. PMID 23922209.

Trauma / Posttraumatische Belastungsstörung

Nejadghaderi SA, Mousavi SE, Fazlollahi A, Motlagh Asghari K, Garfin DR. (2024): Efficacy of yoga for posttraumatic stress disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Psychiatry Res. 340: 116098.

Trauma / Posttraumatische Belastungsstörung

Trauma / Posttraumatische Belastungsstörung

Nguyen-Feng, Viann N.; Clark, Cari J.; Butler, Mary E. (August 2019). "Yoga as an intervention for psychological symptoms following trauma: A systematic review and quantitative synthesis". Psychological Services. 16 (3): 513–523. doi:10.1037/ser0000191. PMID 29620390.

Trauma / Posttraumatische Belastungsstörung

Jackson, Kate. "Trauma-Sensitive Yoga". Social Work Today.

Trauma / Posttraumatische Belastungsstörung

Nguyen-Feng, Viann N.; Clark, Cari J.; Butler, Mary E. (August 2019). "Yoga as an intervention for psychological symptoms following trauma: A systematic review and quantitative synthesis". Psychological Service. 16 (3): 513–523. doi:10.1037/ser0000191. PMID 29620390.

Trauma / Posttraumatische Belastungsstörung

Cramer, Holger; Anheyer, Dennis; Saha, Felix J.; Dobos, Gustav (March 2018). "Yoga for posttraumatic stress disorder – a systematic review and meta-analysis". BMC Psychiatry. 18 (1): 72. doi:10.1186/s12888-018-1650-x. PMC 5863799. PMID 29566652.

Trauma / Posttraumatische Belastungsstörung

Cushing, R. E.; Braun, K. L. (2018). "Mind-Body Therapy for Military Veterans with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: A Systematic Review". The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. 24 (2): 106–114. doi:10.1089/acm.2017.0176. PMID 28880607.

Trauma / Posttraumatische Belastungsstörung

Niles, Barbara (21 March 2018). "A systematic review of randomized trials of mind-body interventions for PTSD" (PDF). Journal of Clinical Psychology. 74 (9): 1485–150. doi:10.1002/jclp.22634. PMC 6508087. PMID 29745422.

Trauma / Posttraumatische Belastungsstörung

Robin, Cushing (30 April 2018). "Military-Tailored Yoga for Veterans with Post-traumatic Stress Disorder". Military Medicine. 183 (5–6): e223–e231. doi:10.1093/milmed/usx071. PMC 6086130. PMID 29415222.

Trauma / Posttraumatische Belastungsstörung

Nolan, Caitlin R. (2016). "Bending without breaking: A narrative review of trauma-sensitive yoga for women with PTSD". Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice. 24: 32–40. doi:10.1016/j.ctcp.2016.05.006. PMID 27502798.

Schlafstörungen / Fatigue

Schlafstörungen / Fatigue

Schlafstörungen / Fatigue

Schlafstörungen / Fatigue

Wang WL, Chen KH, Pan YC, Yang SN, Chan YY. (2020): The effect of yoga on sleep quality and insomnia in women with sleep problems: a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC Psychiatry. 20(1): 195. doi: 10.1186/s12888-020-02566-4.

Sucht / Zwang

Groeger JL, Perez HR, Moonaz S, Bartels MN, Rand S, Ghiroli MM, Zhang C, Bao Y, Gabbay V, Estremera GV, Bryant G, Hidalgo J, Hribar MB, Rodgers CRR, Savitzky J, Stein MR, Uebelacker LA, Starrels JL, Nahvi S. (2025): Yoga and Physical Therapy for Chronic Pain and Opioid Use Disorder Onsite in an Opioid Treatment Program: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Subst Use Addctn J. 46(1): 175-183.

Sucht / Zwang

Bhat S, Varambally S, Jagannathan A, Phillip M. (2024) Effectiveness of add-on yoga in reducing the symptoms of obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD): A randomized controlled trial. Asian J Psychiatr. 99: 104156.

Sucht / Zwang

Jeffries ER, Zvolensky MJ, Buckner JD. (2020): The Acute Impact of Hatha Yoga on Craving Among Smokers Attempting to Reduce or Quit. Nicotine Tob 446–451.


Saxena K, Verrico CD, Saxena J, Kurian S, Alexander S, Kahlon RS, Arvind RP, Goldberg A, DeVito N, Baig M, Grieb A, Bakhshaie J, Simonetti A, Storch EA, Williams L, Gillan L. (2020): An Evaluation of Yoga and Meditation to Improve Attention, Hyperactivity, and Stress in High-School Students. J Altern Complement Med. 26(8): 701-707.

Psychische Erkrankungen

Psychische Erkrankungen
Stress / Burnout
Depression / Angst
Sucht / Zwang

Demenz / Alzheimer

Brown A, Bayley PJ. (2024): The Therapeutic Potential of Yoga for Alzheimer's Disease: A Critical Review. J Alzheimers Dis. 101(s1): 521-535. doi: 10.3233/JAD-240719.

Demenz / Alzheimer

Krause-Sorio B, Siddarth P, Kilpatrick L, Milillo MM, Aguilar-Faustino Y, Ercoli L, Narr KL, Khalsa DS, Lavretsky H. (2022): Yoga Prevents Gray Matter Atrophy in Women at Risk for Alzheimer's Disease: A Randomized Controlled Trial.

J Alzheimers Dis. 87(2):569-581.

Demenz / Alzheimer

Forbes, Dorothy; Forbes, Scott C.; Blake, Catherine M.; Thiessen, Emily J.; Forbes, Sean (2015). "Exercise programs for people with dementia". The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (4): CD006489. doi:10.1002/14651858.CD006489.pub4. PMID 25874613.


Cherup NP, Strand KL, Lucchi L, et al. (2021): Yoga Meditation Enhances Proprioception and Balance in Individuals Diagnosed With Parkinson's Disease.  Percept Mot Skills 128: 304–323.


Panebianco, Mariangela; Sridharan, Kalpana; Ramaratnam, Sridharan (2 May 2015). Panebianco, Mariangela (ed.). "Yoga for epilepsy". The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (5): CD001524. doi:10.1002/14651858.CD001524.pub2. PMID 25934967.

Neurologische Erkrankungen

Neurologische Erkrankungen


Klompstra L, Hägglund E, Jaarsma T, Kato NP, Strömberg A. (2025): Effects of exergaming and yoga on exercise capacity and physical and mental health in heart failure patients: a randomized sub-study. Eur J Cardiovasc Nurs. 2: zvae 155. doi: 10.1093/eurjcn/zvae155.


Yuenyongchaiwat K, Changsri K, Harnmanop S, Namdaeng P, Aiemthaisong M, Pongpanit K, Pariyatkaraphan T. (2024):  Effects of slow breathing training on hemodynamic changes, cardiac autonomic function and neuroendocrine response in people with high blood pressure: A randomized control trial. J Bodyw Mov Ther. 37:136-141.


Li J, Gao X, Hao X, Kantas D, Mohamed EA, Zheng X, Xu H, Zhang L. (2021): Yoga for secondary prevention of coronary heart disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Complement Ther Med. 57: 102643.


Cramer H, Sellin C, Schumann D, Dobos G (2018): Yoga in Arterial Hypertension, A three-armed, randomized controlled trial. Dtsch Arztebl Int. 115: 833-9.



Diabetes Typ II

Dhali B, Chatterjee S, Sundar Das S, Cruz MD. (2023): Effect of Yoga and Walking on Glycemic Control for the Management of Type 2 Diabetes: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.  J ASEAN Fed Endocr Soc. 38(2): 113-122.

Metabolisches Syndrom

Khoshnaw DM, Ghadge AA. (2021): Yoga as a complementary therapy for metabolic syndrome: A narrative review.  J Integr Med.19: 6–12.

Diabetes Typ II

Thind H, Lantini R, Balletto BL, Donahue ML, Salmoirago-Blotcher E, Bock BC, Scott-Sheldon LAJ. (2017): The effects of yoga among adults with type 2 diabetes: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Prev Med. 105:116-126.

Metabolisches Syndrom

Cramer H, Langhorst J, Dobos G, Lauche R. (2016): Yoga for metabolic syndrome: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Eur J Prev Cardiol. 2016; 23(18):1982-1993.

Metabolisches Syndrom

Lauche R, Langhorst J, Lee MS, et al. (2016): A systematic review and meta-analysis on the effects of yoga on weight-related outcomes. Prev Med; 87: 213–232.

Diabetes und Metabolisches Syndrom

Diabetes + Metabolismus


Anshu, Singh N, Deka S, Saraswati P, Sindhwani G, Goel A, Kumari R. (2022): The effect of yoga on pulmonary function in patients with asthma: A meta-analysis.

Complement Ther Clin Pract. 50:101682. doi: 10.1016/j.ctcp.2022.101682.




Hicks LE, Graf MD, Yeo S. (2024): Prenatal exercise and its effects on postpartum mental health: systematic review and meta-analysis.

Arch Womens Ment Health. 2024 Nov 7. doi: 10.1007/s00737-024-01525-2.


Lee, M. S.; Kim, J. I.; Ha, J. Y.; Boddy, K.; Ernst, E. (2009). "Yoga for menopausal symptoms: a systematic review". Menopause. 16 (3): 602–608. doi:10.1097/gme.0b013e31818ffe39. PMID 19169169.


Wieland, L. Susan; Shrestha, Nipun; Lassi, Zohra S.; Panda, Sougata; Chiaramonte, Delia; Skoetz, Nicole (2019). "Yoga for treating urinary incontinence in women". The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 2: CD012668. doi:10.1002/14651858.CD012668.pub2. PMC 6394377. PMID 30816997.

Gynäkologische Beschwerden

Gynäkologische Beschwerden


Thakur ER, Shapiro JM, Wellington J, Sohl SJ, Danhauer SC, Moshiree B, Ford AC, Koch K. (2024): ​ A systematic review of yoga for the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders.  Neurogastroenterol Motil. 17: e14915. doi: 10.1111/nmo.14915.

Gastrointestinale Erkrankungen

Gastrointestinale Erkrankungen


Sabyasachi Maity, Raman Abbaspour, Stephan Bandelow, Sehaj Pahwa, Taraneh Alahdadi, Sharan Shah, Praghosh Chhetri, Ameet Kumar Jha, Shreya Nauhria, Reetuparna Nath, Narendra Nayak, Samal Nauhria (2024): The psychosomatic impact of Yoga in medical education: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Med Educ Online. 29(1): 2364486.


Ingunn Hagen, Solbjørg Skjelstad, Usha Sidana Nayar (2023): Promoting mental health and wellbeing in schools: the impact of yoga on young people's relaxation and stress levels. Front Psychol.14 :1083028.


Kirti Khunti, Sadie Boniface, Emma Norris, Cesar M De Oliveira, Nicola Shelton (2023): The effects of yoga on mental health in school-aged children: A Systematic Review and Narrative Synthesis of Randomised Control Trials. Clin Child Psychol Psychiatry. 28(3): 1217–1238.


Ingunn Hagen, Solbjørg Skjelstad, Usha Sidana Nayar (2021): “I Just Find It Easier to Let Go of Anger”: Reflections on the Ways in Which Yoga Influences How Young People Manage Their Emotions. Front Psychol. 2021; 12: 729588.



Verletzungsgefahr / Sicherheit

Cramer, H., Quinker, D., Schumann, D. et al. (2019): Adverse effects of yoga: a national cross-sectional survey. BMC Complement Altern Med 19, 190 (2019).

Verletzungsgefahr / Sicherheit

Forschung über Yogageschichte

Forschung über Yogageschichte

Forschung über Yogageschichte

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